Thursday, June 12, 2008

Scholastic Report: Kids Still Read for Fun—Teens, Less So - 6/11/2008 7:42:00 AM - Publishers Weekly

A follow up to the 2006 report with some interesting findings about kids and reading:
Scholastic Report: Kids Still Read for Fun—Teens, Less So - 6/11/2008 7:42:00 AM - Publishers Weekly

Thursday, June 05, 2008

The Game's The Thing

Retired justice O'Connor unveils video game:

Using games to teach seems to be getting a lot of play lately. These people dont seem interested in waiting for all that research. Instead, they seem to see a connection between engagement and learning. Here's the latest example: Retired justice O'Connor unveils video game - Games -

Alice Offers Gentler Intro to Programming : June 2008 : THE Journal

An article that features Princess Anne High School in Virginia Beach:

Alice Offers Gentler Intro to Programming : June 2008 : THE Journal

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Phoenix Mars Mission Comes to Students via iTunes U : June 2008 : THE Journal

If you haven't been to iTunes U, you should head there right now! You'll need iTunes on your computer. This project is just one example of how it is being used to distribute wonderful content:

Phoenix Mars Mission Comes to Students via iTunes U : June 2008 : THE Journal