Friday, March 23, 2007

Family Center on Technology and Disability April Discussion

From my inbox: an opportunity for educators and others to discuss assistive technology and other issues.

FCTD Online Discussion:
Augmentative Communication & Vocabulary Selection
Starts April 2, 2007

There is much more to selecting vocabulary for augmentative communication devices than choosing words that seem essential. In the FCTD April online discussion, Katya Hill from the University of Pittsburgh and Robin Hurd of the AAC Institute will explore the process of selecting vocabulary for effective augmentative communication. Among the topics to be discussed are high frequency vocabulary for language development, strategies for expanding vocabulary choices, use of social stories, and methods for monitoring vocabulary growth.

Professionals and families are encouraged to participate. To join the discussion beginning April 2, go to:


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Change or Die

An interesting article referenced by Jim Moulton during his presentation at William and Mary:

Change or Die

Monday, March 19, 2007

The Forester

From The Futures Channel, a problem-solving lesson involving Tami Sabol, a forester in the Northwest. Includes a terrific video about Tami's job.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Spotlight on DML | Barry Joseph: How do you bring a youth development model on global issues into a virtual world?

Interesting idea for using Second Life, the 3D virtual world:

Spotlight on DML | Barry Joseph: How do you bring a youth development model on global issues into a virtual world?

Saturday, March 10, 2007's Free Music Project

At every workshop I've done recently, someone has asked what I meant when I said "Web 2.0." Here's a good example: a website that wants to collect "free" music to distribute as part of the One Laptop Per Child Initiative:'s Free Music Project

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Wondering what to use a blog for? Here's an idea: use it to get your kid to eat vegetables. They are going through them A-Z and recording their experiences. Very cool. Also, check out the Gabble chat. A very neat technology in and of itself:


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

BBC NEWS | Education | Students assessed with Wikipedia

What about Wikipedia? Here's a GREAT idea for how to use it...this is a 21st century context!

BBC NEWS | Education | Students assessed with Wikipedia

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Reading, like a brick, forms strong foundation -

I've been reading a lot of research that says that teachers are not very well represented in the media. But here's a great story:

Reading, like a brick, forms strong foundation -

tags technorati :

Shift Happens

Interesting new video with lots of statistics that emphasize how BIG the flat world has gotten and how important education is if we're going to compete as a country:

tags technorati :

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Preparing Teachers for One-to-One

Ideas for implementing a one-to-one laptop initiative, with a particular focus on how to prepare teachers:

Preparing Teachers for One-to-One