Wednesday, July 28, 2004

From Education Week online, an article featuring Prince William County's summer school program that helps immigrant youths in the county learn English and adjust to American culture. Three former ESL students were hired to work in the program. 7-28-04 -- Former ESL Students Tapped as Class Aides -- Education Week (Free registration required)

Monday, July 26, 2004

Don't miss THE Journal this month that features best practices from 4 key areas: technology integration,
professional development, data-driven decision-making, and leadership and
advocacy. Selected as best practices in data-driven decision-making category
are two Virginia initiatives: online testing and data warehousing. The
descriptions are provided in articles written by Lan Neugent and William
"Bill" Flaherty (Hanover County). T.H.E. Journal Online: Technological Horizons in Education

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Excellent multimedia presentation on Brown vs. Board of Education that includes a feature on Prince Edward County, Virginia. Great example of how the web facilitates oral history: Brown v. Board of Education

From the Times Dispatch newsroom, suggestions for how to separate your email from spam so the reporters actually read it: | FROM THE NEWSROOM: In an era of spam, meaningful letters lost in the e-mail

Businesses and government organizations are learning Spanish in order to work better with the growing Hispanic community in Richmond so demand for Spanish teachers is on the rise: | Learning Spanish to span communities

Saturday, July 24, 2004

From Educause, a description of the technology liaison program at Washington and Lee University: EDUCAUSE Effective Practices and Solutions

CNN featured An Achievable Dream school in Newport News, VA: - School aims to build at-risk kids' character - Jul 23, 2004

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

I am at RCC doing a presentation on communicating on the web.

Today I'm at RCC doing a presentation on blogs. Aren't these easy!

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Students surf to class but there's no online deluge: A story from the LA Daily News about the unfulfilled promise of online education. Working adults appreciate it, according to the article, but colleges have not begun to make widespread offerings of online courses. The article also discusses the different skills required of online learners.