Friday, December 31, 2004

From Intel, a website devoted to innovation with technology in education: Education: An Innovation Odyssey Be sure to check out the Story Finder that allows you to look for ideas and resources related to integrating various technologies:

Monday, December 27, 2004

From the Richmond Times Dispatch, an article about pay raises for educators: | Educators to push for bigger raises

An alternative high school's success draws attention: Tests Are History at This High School From EdWeek (requires free registration)

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

I got an early Christmas present--an iPod--so now I'm learning about the latest technology calling podcasting: MSNBC - Tivo for your iPod

Monday, December 20, 2004

Great article that tries to give a realistic view of the world of classroom computers: | Technology & Learning - The Resource for Education Technology Leaders

From a programmer, a more technical introduction to wiki: Quickiwiki, Swiki, Twiki, Zwiki and the Plone Wars Wiki as a PIM and Collaborative Content Tool

The author discusses her attempt to use a Wiki and what happens when we adopt new tools without adopting new practices: My Brilliant Failure: Wikis In Classrooms | Kairosnews

Great basic introduction to Wikis: Common Craft: Wikis Described in Plain English

An article about Wikis that mostly focuses on higher education but is of interest to all educators: EDUCAUSE REVIEW | September/October 2004,�Volume 39, Number 5

I'm cleaning out bookmarks, articles, etc. that accumulated during the semester. Here's an article from The New York Times describing educational uses of blogs: Can Johnny Blog?

From Learn NC, the North Carolina Teachers' Network, an introduction to blogging: Blogging

The semester is over at William and Mary, and I've been using some of my free time to go out and look at the night sky with my telescope. Of course, I've also been doing some research on the web and found this site. It's commercial (they sell sky images) but you can view them all online.

Sky Image Lab

Sunday, December 12, 2004

The December issue of the VITALNews has been posted online at You'll need the free Acrobat reader. Don't miss the information about two upcoming conferences.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Want to explore the breadth and depth of the web? Start with the Librarians' Index to the Internet, especially the "New This Week" feature. This website is an annotated index to the web with websites added after several reviews. Nicely keyworded with well-written annotations, it's a very cool way to explore the web: LII - New This Week