The case for #2 pencils even in this electronic age: - Pencils stillĀ needed at tech-savvy schools - Aug 27, 2004
Virginia's Community of Learning Blog
This is the news feed for Virginia's Community of Learning.
Monday, August 30, 2004
Saturday, August 28, 2004
A poll conducted for the Commonwealth Educational Policy Institute in the VCU School of Education with lots of great information about what Virginians think of their schools: Commonwealth Education Poll
From The New York Times, an article about the growing use of blogs in the classroom: The New York Times > Technology > Circuits > In the Classroom, Web Logs Are the New Bulletin Boards
Standardized testing leads to standardized grading. Grades can no longer include class participation or other effort-based grades: In Change of Grading Policy, No A's for Effort (
University of Maryland hands out Blackberries to students: Md. School to Hand Out Blackberry Devices (
Friday, August 27, 2004
It seems that while the Republicans are making education a centerpiece of their campaign, Kerry has not made it a big deal in his: 8-11-04 -- Kerry AimingFor the Center on Education -- Education Week (Free registration required)
From Education Week (free registration required), a description of the Republican party platform with the focus on education: 8-27-04 -- Platform Embraces Bush's Approach To Education -- Education Week
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
I am in Chesterfield County today at the CITE Conference.
We are having a great time and winning lots of door prizes!
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
From The New York Times, an article describing the first national comparison of test scores among chilren in charter schools and regular public schools: Nation's Charter Schools Lagging Behind, US Test Scores Reveal
Friday, August 13, 2004
From CNN, an article that examines the variety of schooling options available such as charter schools, home schooling, and distance learning:
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
I am here in Warsaw, VA working with a great group of teachers! They are part of the Four Rivers Consortium.
Sunday, August 01, 2004
From boingboing, a great picture of an old hard drive along with some great commentary on the "old" days of computing: Boing Boing: Ancient hard-drive, guy in bunny suit