Wednesday, April 28, 2004

From the Smithsonian, a neat website devoted to exploring the past 150 years of Smithsonian Research in Latin America: Expeditions

Produced by the Organization of American Historians, this radio show attempts to separate fact from fiction by interviewing nationally recognized historians and writers. The archived programs are available online: Welcome to Talking History

Friday, April 23, 2004

A great article about Amazon book reviews and how blogging may change the world of reviewing by James Marcus from the Washington Post: The boisterous world of online literary commentary is many things. But is it criticism?

Thursday, April 22, 2004

From The New York Times, an article about Sony's new e-book reader. You'll need a free account to read the article: The New York Times > Technology > Circuits > Even in Bright Light, an E-Book That's Easy on the Eyes

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

From the American Educator, an article that describes that problems with open admissions colleges. Students who receive low grades in high school can still get into college but are simply unprepared for the experience. Many must take (and pay for) remedial courses and end up never even earning a college credit before dropping out. Share this with your high school students who think grades aren't important: It's Time To Tell the Kids

From The New York Times, a daily lesson plan as well as an extensive searchable archive: Lesson Plan Archive

From Pew Research Center, a report on how spam is beginning to hurt the use of email in general: PIP | Press Releases

A great article from the Baltimore Sun about students using IM shorthand in writing class. The shorthand is perfect for notetaking and would make a great connection between school and real life for students: IM shorthand @ school is a habit 2 kick

Friday, April 09, 2004

Just posted a video from MARTEC in which the teachers talk about using the stock market to teach fractions. I was reminded of this video from the George Lucas Educational Foundation that has a different take on the stock market and is also an excellent introduction to project-based learning: More Fun Than a Barrel of ... Worms?!

From MARTEC and Temple University, a video focussing on a fifth grade class that includes laptops. But the video also discusses team teaching, classroom management and professional development as well: Technology Integration

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

From the Librarians' Index to the Interenet, a link to an interactive primer on copyright that includes facts and scenarios to help understand this sometimes confusing area: Copyright Primer

More assistive technology videos from the DO-IT Center at University of Washington: DO-IT Videotaped Presentations with Support Publications

Link to a video from EASI concerning how to make webpage more accessible for people with disabilities: Web Design for the Disabled

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Via Will Richardson, a story about the University of Minnesota's UThink blogging inititative. It includes an excellent list of suggestions as to what a student might do with a blog: Weblogg-ed - Using Weblogs and RSS in Education :

Monday, April 05, 2004

What a GREAT video about integrating technology! Don't miss this one. Plus, it's licensed under a Creative Commons license that allows you full permission to download it and share it with your faculty: Keys to Technology Integration

Website about Egypt that includes three different "safaris": "A Nile Journey," "An Over-Land Adventure," and "A Red Sea Dive." Wild Egypt - An Online Safari

Sunday, April 04, 2004

I am at the Virginia Association of Independent Schools.

Friday, April 02, 2004

From Neat New Stuff, a link to the Cyberjounalist website that features the submissions for the National Press Photographer's Best of Photojournalism 2004 web division. A picture--especially in the hands of a gifted photographer--is really worth a thousand words.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Just in case you aren't convinced about blogging, here's a great list of libraries with blogs:

From Syllabus Magazine, an artilce about blogging and higher education. I used a blog for both a reflective journal in a research class and also as a required part of another class in planning and found them a helpful and easy way to both facilitate journaling and also pull together web resources and others' ideas and comments on various topics. Campus Communications & the Wisdom of Blogging: Syllabus

Excellent article about blogs and their potential uses in education from THE Journal: Content Delivery in the Blogosphere