Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Happy Thanksgiving! This is a great website from Plimouth Plantation that helps students understand what REALLY happened at the First Thanksgiving. Interactive activities focus on the common myths about this holiday.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

The Lesson Planner is an online resource from NCREL that uses good questions to help guide teachers as they plan for the integration of technology. I plan to use it with my pre-service teachers next semester.

Monday, November 24, 2003

Did a quick search on professional development resources in the VCOL database and came across the classroom@work website from the Northwest Educational Technology Consortium. It highlights three project-based units with detailed information about implementation. Videos to accompany each section are available for a low price and would make excellent professional development.

Friday, November 21, 2003

I finally installed the Google Toolbar and I love it! No more popups...yet it is easy to allow them when needed. And there's a blog button there, too, so I've got easy access to blogger. I had sort of learned to ignore the popups but now that they are gone, I realize what a more pleasant surfing experience I'm having.

While you're visiting Google, stop by the Tools page to see what else they've got. My husband really likes for shopping.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Just in case you're not sure what to get those special people in your life for Christmas, here's the guide to all things digital: Holiday Gift Guide 2003 -

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

I have two favorite websites right now that I am recommending to everyone. The first,, allows you to find out lots of information about websites so you can easily check to see who is behind the information on the web. One of your choices is to see what a website used to look like. This feature takes you to the Wayback Machine where you can view the history of a website. Major updates are marked. It's really fun!

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

A great series of interactive electronic field trips focussing on Yellowstone National Park: Windows Into Wonderland

Monday, November 17, 2003

Welcome to the new blog for Virginia's Community of Learning! This will allow us to post news, updates, and resources on a more regular basis.